Jony Ive, Apple designer who started his career at tangerine, to set up his own studio

Tangerine would like to extend its congratulations to Sir Jony Ive on the next phase in his career, as he moves on from Apple after close to thirty years.
Jonathan Ive joined tangerine within its first few years and made a valuable contribution to the burgeoning studios’ early work for clients including LG, Ideal Standard and Apple.
In the early 1990s tangerine worked on a strategic project for Apple called ‘Project Juggernaut’, which looked at the future of portable computers and set three concept visions developed by Martin Darbyshire, Clive Grinyer and Jonathan Ive.
Interviewed by Evan Davis on BBC R4 about Ive’s departure from Apple (28th June 2019, 17.45), tangerine CEO Martin Darbyshire said “Jonathan joined tangerine in 1990 and worked alongside myself and Clive Grinyer on a strategic project for Apple called “Project Juggernaut” before moving to join the company. He has always been a brilliant designer, marrying the best of being a master craftsman with a strategic vision. I hope to see him now turn his focus to solving some of the big challenges of today – as I know he has the ability to make a positive difference.”

Apple ‘Project Juggernaut’, with three portable computer concept visions developed by Martin Darbyshire, Clive Grinyer and Jonathan Ive.

Hoxton 1990, left to right, Clive Grinyer, Peter Phillips. Martin Darbyshire, Jonathan Ive.